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Woods Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District

Spring Sports

As the weather warms up each spring, students can enjoy participation in four different athletic programs offered at our school. To participate in these co-curricular programs, parents must complete online permission slip which includes insurance coverage. Information about how families can be assisted with insurance is available.  


Baseball (Grades 5-6)

Coaches: Mr. Therrien & Mr. Watson


Softball (Grades 5-6)

Coaches: Ms. Lancaster, Mrs. Germond & Mrs. Stephens


Boys Volleyball (Grades 5-6)

Coaches: Mr. WolpertMr. Bernal & Mr. Hedrick


Boys & Girls Track (Grades 4-6)

Coaches: Mr. WatsonMrs. BustosMrs. Germond, Mr. Hedrick, Mr. Wolpert


2024-25 Woods Athletic Permission to Participate


Many of our students are involved in more than one sport during the year. We are attempting to make this process more efficient and you will only need to fill out sports packet information one time this year. If you completed the Sports Packet Information and Permission Forms for your child to participate in a Fall Sport, then you do not need to complete these forms again. However, if you have not completed these permission forms, then they are accessible for you to complete online through the following link:


Sports Packet Information & Permission Forms

You may review all forms on the link. THERE IS NO NEED TO PRINT & SIGN THESE FORMS.  The last page will ask you to "agree" and electronically submit all the forms you have completed at once to the school.

Please note that your acceptance of the forms is required for student participation in Woods athletics.

If you have further questions or would like a printed copy of the sports packet, please contact the office at 327-8800 or have your child pick up a packet in the front office.

  • A spring sports game schedule for Woods Elementary, listing opponents and dates.