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Woods Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


Woods Wins

National Blue Ribbon School

A logo of Department of Education with hawk with leaves and arrowsWoods Elementary School is proud to be recognized as a 2022 Exemplary High Performing National Blue Ribbon School! This prestigious achievement is awarded by the U.S. Department of Education for our commitment to building a welcoming, nurturing school community and a strong foundation of academic learning for every child. Our recognition was made possible through our intentional collaboration with parents, families, and our community. Thank you for committing to our shared vision and dedication to every student’s academic and mental health needs. Go Wolverines! 





Harold L. Woods Elementary School

Photo of a man wearing suit and tie in black and white

Harold Lloyd Woods   

   Clovis Unified School District's twenty-ninth elementary school, Harold L. Woods Elementary, was so named in honor of the longest serving teacher in the district. In 2004, the CUSD Governing Board determined that the new school would be named for Woods to recognize his service and dedication to students for 46 years, all of which were spent at Jefferson Elementary School where he taught grades five, six, and seven before retiring in 2001. Following his retirement, Woods continued to serve Clovis Unified by mentoring future teachers. 

   Woods is a lifelong resident of the Fresno-Clovis area. He attended Clovis Grammar School, located at the site where Weldon Elementary now sits in Old Town Clovis, and graduated from Clovis High School. Immediately after graduating from Fresno State College in 1955, Woods was hired at Jefferson. During his career with Clovis Unified, he has received numerous awards and honors for his dedication and commitment to children including winning the Crystal Award, Clovis Unified's employee recognition program, three times, and being named a Gamma Psi Master Teacher by California State University, Fresno.   


Mission and Vision logo with past and future in green, blue skies and cloudMission

We, the staff at Woods Elementary, are here to serve the students, parents, and community as well as one another.  Through teamwork and collaboration, we will put the academic, social and, emotional needs of the child first while providing a safe and supportive learning environment. 

We will maximize all students’ potential in the area of mind, body and spirit while being positive role models of the six pillars of character. 

We will utilize research-based teaching strategies and best practices to meet the needs of all students while developing productive life-long learners.



We exist to prepare all students to become responsible and productive citizens in our global society.  We will support all students in their pursuit of academic achievement and personal health, and will encourage them in their development of intellectual, artistic, physical and social expression.