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Woods Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


A group of children listen attentively as a teacher reads a story in a brightly decorated room.Our library is a magical place! Mrs. Tushnet has created a warm and welcoming environment where students develop a love for reading. Students are encouraged to check-out books and read nightly. For several students, the library is a preferred place as Mrs. Tushnet facilitates lunch time crafts and games. 

You can check what books are in the library by clicking on the online catalog

Library Hours
The library is generally open before and after school and during recesses on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays, the library is closed to 1st-6th grade students during recesses so that Mrs. Tushnet can read to our TK and Kindergarten classes. For library questions, please email Mrs. Tushnet.